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Mary Lauren

New AMT Theater Opens with an Eye on Building Community

August 17, 2022

“We want to make a difference in people's lives,” says Tapper.  “We want to do new shows, to encourage new writers and directors.  We want to feature children's shows and get young people involved in theater at an early age.  We also want to do cabaret because, well, it's just fun.  We also want to serve as a regional theater to the people in our immediate area, to draw on their energy, and solicit their opinions - because we truly value the community around us.” The clean, sleek space features a futuristic lighting scheme set against a black and white motif.  “When people hear about the black and white look, they’re a bit skeptical.  Even I was skeptical!” says Sportiello.  “But once they see the finished product, they agree it looks like a real work of art, and everyone’s been impressed.  In my opinion, it’s the most unique and striking Off-Broadway theater in the theater district. We can’t wait to share it with the community, so we’re looking forward to welcoming local theatergoers and press at a special launch event that we’ll be announcing soon.” [more]


October 11, 2015

Donna and Chris, the couple under the microscope in this play, are portrayed by two sets of actors: the first pair represents the lovers while they are still in college (where they first meet), and a second set of actors play the couple twenty years later—married and expecting their first child. The way these two stories intersect is through rotation, as alternating scenes flip between the two timelines until both stories come together at the climax. [more]


February 24, 2015

"Fabulous!," which returns to Off-Broadway after a successful run last fall, is an unabashed gay mash-up of "Anything Goes" and "Some Like it Hot," where two best-friend drag queens, Laura Lee Handle (Tobias Young) and Jane Mann (DaWoyne A. Hill), working in Paris in a cheesy musical revue, witness the shooting of the star of the show. As everyone scurries frantically to get away, a priceless necklace falls off the victim and is retrieved by Laura Lee. The best friends flee the crime scene. [more]

Fabulous! The Queen of New Musical Comedies

September 9, 2014

"…I've been having a love affair for quite a few years now. It's been with the idea of recreating the golden age of Broadway—with its glitz and glamour—and making it relevant for today's theater audience." Writes Dan Derby, the book writer and lyricist of Fabulous! The Queen of New Musical Comedies, in the show's program. [more]