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War Horse: The Broadway Play That Is A Favorite Of Equestrian Fans

For equestrian fans, "War Horse" holds a special allure beyond its theatrical merits. The portrayal of horses as central characters in the narrative resonates deeply with those who appreciate the beauty and nobility of these animals.  The play's exploration of the human-animal bond strikes a chord with riders, trainers, and horse lovers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared admiration among equestrian communities.

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Horses have had many roles throughout our history. At first,they started as human companions, where we established a special bond with these animals and they were used for farming. Later, we understood how horses think and act and started using them for transportation.

Horses also play an important role in many battles throughout history. There were many advantages that a horse army brings to the table, which is why horses were the Ace in the pocket when going to war.

Their significance and importance to our culture and civilization made them one of the most often picked subjects for books, plays, and even movies. That’s how we got a book called War Horse.

In fact, the War Horse play is based on a book written by British writer Michael Morpurgo, and it is about a war horse bought by the Army for service in World War I in France, and a young 15-year-old boy (his previous owner), who attempts to bring the horse safely home.

It is quite an interesting story that highlights the true emotional connection that humans have with these incredible creatures. 

All of this is perfectly highlighted in the War Horse play, whichgives you the ability to experience the true emotion that was present back in history.

About the Play

The War Horse Play premiered on 17 October 2007 in the Oliver Theatre at the National Theatre in London, and at first, it didn’t cause much attention, which is why it ended a few months later. But then it was brought back in 2009, where it caught the attention of the public.

Since then, the War Horse play has traveled all across the world, reaching Broadway (2011-2013), Canada, Australia, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa, and even China.

It is quite a popular play for equestrian lovers, that know and appreciate horses. It paints the perfect picture of a human-horse bond and relationship and shows the good in people.

The Story – A Bond Between Man and Horse

If we take the “War Horse” play apart, we can see a narrative of courage, friendship, and the unbreakable bond between a young boy named Albert and his beloved horse, Joey.

As we mentioned before, it is set against the backdrop of World War I and follows Joey’s journey which is quite extraordinary. The horse lived its perfect farm life, after being bought by the army and used in the battlefields of Europe. 

The horse has been through a lot in its life. He encountered the horrors of war and moments of profound connection with the people around him.

What’s interesting about this play is how Albert gets the horse. After his father was in a financial struggle to keep the farm, Albert promised to train the foal that his father bought from an auction just to sell it and make some money.

Ned, on the other hand, (Albert’s cousin) convinces his father to get Ted drunk and make a bet. If Joey (which is a horse trained for hunting) can be taught to plow within a week, Arthur will pay Ted 39 guineas, the auction price. If Joey won’t plough, Ned gets the horse.

Albert, with its strong connection with Joey, successfully teaches the horse to plow and gets to keep him.

Everything connected with horses somehow ends up in a bet. After all, they are the main attractions of popular races like the Preakness Stakes. Find more info about Preakness here:

Bringing Horses to Life: The Spectacle of Puppetry

The inventive puppetry used in “War Horse” to depict the magnificent horses on stage is among its most stunning features. 

These life-sized puppets, made by the well-regarded Handspring Puppet Company, are a work of art that remarkably captures the power and elegance of actual horses. Awe and amazement at the creativity involved are evoked as audiences are taken to a realm where these amazing animals come to life before their own eyes.

Impact and Recognition: Awards and Acclaim

“War Horse” has received a great deal of praise and recognition since its Broadway debut, winning several honors for its superb theatrical design and narrative strength. The play’s reputation as a contemporary masterpiece in the theater has been solidified by its capacity to arouse real emotions and connect with audiences of all ages.

Tony Awards: “War Horse” received multiple (five) Tony Awards, including Best Play and Best Direction of a Play, showcasing its excellence in the theatrical realm.

Critical Acclaim: Critics lauded the play for its immersive storytelling, breathtaking visuals, and powerful performances, underscoring its universal appeal.

The Equestrian Connection: Drawing Horse Enthusiasts

For equestrian fans, “War Horse” holds a special allure beyond its theatrical merits. The portrayal of horses as central characters in the narrative resonates deeply with those who appreciate the beauty and nobility of these animals. 

The play’s exploration of the human-animal bond strikes a chord with riders, trainers, and horse lovers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared admiration among equestrian communities.

Cultural Impact

Beyond its entertainment value, “War Horse” has left a lasting impact on popular culture, inspiring adaptations, educational initiatives, and discussions on topics ranging from war history to animal welfare. 

The play’s ability to provoke thought and empathy underscores its relevance in today’s society, transcending the boundaries of theater to provoke meaningful conversations and reflections.

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